
Taiwan Association of Social Workers

臺灣社工專協對當今香港局勢的聲明:香港政府應立即停止違反人權的鎮壓與逮捕行動 2019/11/27






台灣社會工作專業人員協會基於「台灣社會工作倫理守則」,以及國際社會工作人員聯合會(International Federation of Social Workers, IFSW)的「社會工作全球定義」,支持社會正義、人權、集體責任,以及尊重社會的多元性等普世價值與原則,支持非暴力、和平、民主的社會行動,而對香港當前的局勢表達深刻的關切,並願與世界各地的社會工作者共同合作。















https://www.ifsw.org//hong-kong-social-workers-association-condemns-arrests/ 上的聲明。



E-Mail: tasw@tasw.com.tw





A Statement of Taiwan Association of Social Workers


We, the Taiwan Association of Social Workers (TASW) based on the professional code of ethics in social work, global definition of the social work in the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), support social justice, human rights, collective responsibility, non-violent, peace, multi-cultural society universal values. Therefore, we are extremely concerned about the current situation in Hong Kong and willing to work together with social workers all over the world.


We resolutely against the Hong Kong government to suppress Hong Kong citizens in democratic movements and call for the government immediately release all Hong Kong citizens and foreigners who have been illegally arrested. We realized that the oppression of violence, ways of arrest will lead to the enmity of people and a history of trauma. The victims who are exposed to these events more likely vulnerable to life-long, the trauma also imprinted on their family and society.


Based on this, we strongly claim:


First, the Hong Kong government immediately stops all the illegally arrest, to protect the citizen to be free from all forms of discrimination, suppression, and violation of violence.


Second, we are firmly opposed to any unjust suppression on the legal pro-democracy demonstrations by the Hong Kong government and polices, and demand the immediate suspension of the force attack.


Third, release all illegally arrested Hong Kong citizens and foreigners, and fair investigations and trails of all arrests.


Fourth, to request the Hong Kong government to propose an appropriate solution to resume peace and order in Hong Kong society.


Fifth, we support the official actions and statements of the social workers association of Hong Kong to protect human rights, such as this website:




Taiwan Association of Social Workers

E-mail: tasw@tasw.com.tw

November 26, 2019
